St. Savin - Moses Receiving the Tablets of the Law.
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Title:St. Savin - Moses Receiving the Tablets of the Law
Notes:Fresco on the lower north register of the nave, depicting God, who's standing in a mandorla surrounded by clouds, giving the tablets of the Law to Moses who is kneeling on a rugged terrain evocative of Mt. Sinai, while angels on the left and right blow their long horns

Donated by James T. Womack and Anne Richardson, Nashville, TN.

Building:Abbaye de Saint-Savin

Scripture:Exodus 31:18
Person as Subject:God (Biblical figure)
Moses (Biblical figure)
Lectionary links:AProp22
General Subject:Law
Library of Congress Subject:Christian art and symbolism -- France -- Medieval, 500-1500
ICONCLASS Number:71E1343

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Copyright Source:image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson
Copyright Permission:Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Attribution:St. Savin - Moses Receiving the Tablets of the Law, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 19, 2025]. Original source: image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson.
Record Number:33283 Last Updated: 2022-06-20 19:06:11 Record Created: 2003-10-10 00:00:00
Institution:Vanderbilt University Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition

Bibliographic Source:Abbey of Saint-Savin, Vienne. Riou, Yves-Jean. Inventaire general, 1993.