Accusation of the Virgin and the Annunciation.
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Title:Accusation of the Virgin and the Annunciation

The Accusation of the Virgin comes from the non-canonical infancy gospel of James. Mary and Joseph are accosted by the elders and the priests upon learning of Mary's pregnancy, and both are administered a test to prove that Mary's pregnancy was pure and not by Joseph.

"And the priest said: I will give you to drink of the water of the ordeal of the Lord, and He shall make manifest your sins in your eyes. And the priest took the water, and gave Joseph to drink and sent him away to the hill-country; and he returned unhurt. And he gave to Mary also to drink, and sent her away to the hill-country; and she returned unhurt. And all the people wondered that sin did not appear in them. And the priest said: If the Lord God has not made manifest your sins, neither do I judge you. And he sent them away. And Joseph took Mary, and went away to his own house, rejoicing and glorifying the God of Israel." [from Protoevangelium of James, section 16:]

The Annunciation is on the right hand side of the image.

Donated by James T. Womack and Anne Richardson, Nashville, TN.

Building:Saint-Martin (Church : Nohant-Vicq, France)

Scripture:Luke 1:26-38
Person as Subject:Mary, the mother of Jesus (Biblical figure)
Joseph, the husband of Mary (Biblical figure)
Gabriel (archangel)
Lectionary links:BAdvt04
General Subject:Annunciation to Mary
Infancy Gospel of James
Library of Congress Subject:Christian art and symbolism -- France -- Nohant-Vic -- Medieval, 500-1500
ICONCLASS Number:73A521
Index of Christian Art Number:31 V6647 Ch02, 001A

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Copyright Source:image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson
Copyright Permission:Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Attribution:Accusation of the Virgin and the Annunciation, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 12, 2025]. Original source: image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson.
Record Number:42409 Last Updated: 2022-06-20 19:13:06 Record Created: 2004-10-27 00:00:00
Institution:Vanderbilt University Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition

Bibliographic Source:Spiritual Passage and Pictorial Tragedy in the Romanesque Frescoes at Vicq. Kupfer, Maria. The Art Bulletin, vol. 68, no. 1, March 1986.