The First Parents, Eve Suckling Her Children.
 Sadeler, Johannes

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Title:The First Parents, Eve Suckling Her Children
Artist:Sadeler, Johannes
Building:Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Scripture:Genesis 4:1-16
Person as Subject:Cain (Biblical figure)
Abel (Biblical figure)
Adam (Biblical figure)
Eve (Biblical figure)
Lectionary links:BProp05
General Subject:Children
ICONCLASS Number:71A81

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Copyright Permission:This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike 3.0 License. In short: you are free to use and to share the file for non-commercial purposes under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license compatible with this one. For uses other than the above, contact the Divinity Library at
Attribution:Sadeler, Johannes. The First Parents, Eve Suckling Her Children, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 15, 2025]. Original source:
Record Number:50201 Last Updated: 2021-08-27 07:20:20 Record Created: 2007-03-12 00:00:00
Institution:Vanderbilt University Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition