Life of Christ in stained glass.
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Title:Life of Christ in stained glass
Notes:On the left, bottom to top: Angel appears to the Three Wise Men, warning them not to go back to Herod; Herod commands his soldier to carry out the massacre of young children; the massacre of the innocents. On the right, bottom to top: the three Marys at the tomb; Mary Magdalene before the risen Jesus; the disciples as Jesus ascends to heaven.

Donated by James T. Womack and Anne Richardson, Nashville, TN.

Building:Cathédrale d'Amiens
Object/Function:Stained glass

Scripture:Matthew 28:1-10
John 20:1-18
Acts 1:6-14
Matthew 2:13-23
Person as Subject:Mary Magdalene (Biblical figure)
Wise Men (Biblical figures)
Herod I, King of Judea, ca.72-4 BC
Lectionary links:AXmas01
General Subject:Massacre of the Innocents
Library of Congress Subject:Christian art and symbolism -- France -- Amiens -- Medieval, 500-1500

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Copyright Source:Image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson
Copyright Permission:Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Attribution:Life of Christ in stained glass, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 12, 2025]. Original source: Image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson.
Record Number:50206 Last Updated: 2022-06-19 16:22:37 Record Created: 2007-03-12 00:00:00
Institution:Vanderbilt University Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition