Dorcas .
Record number: [56887]
Dorcas. Wailes, William, 1808-1881
Dorcas .
Wailes, William, 1808-1881
Record number: [56893]
Mourning Tabitha.
Mourning Tabitha .
Record number: [56889]
Raising of Tabitha. Didron, Edouard
Raising of Tabitha .
Didron, Edouard
Record number: [56890]
Raising of Tabitha. Santafede, Fabrizio
Raising of Tabitha .
Santafede, Fabrizio
Record number: [56892]
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Raising of Tabitha .
Guercino, 1591-1666
Record number: [59001]
Raising Tabitha. Miller, Mary Jane
Raising Tabitha .
Miller, Mary Jane
Record number: [59685]
Trinity Church, Boston - Tabitha.
Trinity Church, Boston - Tabitha .
Record number: [51534]