Jesu Ni Bwana - Jesus is Lord of All.
Jesu Ni Bwana - Jesus is Lord of All .
Record number: [56378]
Serena. Barthé, Richmond, 1901-1989
Serena .
Barthé, Richmond, 1901-1989
Record number: [57917]
Shadow of Death. Hunt, William Holman, 1827-1910
Shadow of Death .
Hunt, William Holman, 1827-1910
Record number: [58409]
Slaves waiting for sale, Richmond, VA. Crowe, Eyre, 1824-1910
Slaves waiting for sale, Richmond, VA .
Crowe, Eyre, 1824-1910
Record number: [55468]
Two Slaves. Ivanov, Aleksandr Andreevich, 1806-1858
Two Slaves .
Ivanov, Aleksandr Andreevich, 1806-1858
Record number: [46230]