Detailed Description

Title and Description
    Title:Anoba Anyongayo Anmaane
    Date of Recording:2005-11-19
    Description:Small children cannot eat big people's things.

Artist Information
    Group (ensemble):Nile Sparrow
    Group leader:Atya Richard / Katungi Julius
    Performers:Solo by Oryem Geofrey
    Composer:Traditional folk music

    Performance Venue:In the field at Arua Hill Primary School

    Language(s) (from list):Alur
    Ethnic Group (from list):Alur
    Musical Instrument(s):1 tube fiddle
    Musical Instrument(s) (from list):Chordophone--Tubefiddle

Rights and Technical Data
    Rights:Copyright © 2007 Vanderbilt University
    Ownership:Vanderbilt University
    Conditions of use:Click here for details
    Submitter:Balikoowa Centurio
    Local Identifier:128-11.m4a
    Record Number:933