Reims; Calixtus, Nicaisius, Eutropia, Clovis, Remi, Job, Jesus Christ, bishops, patriarchs, popes, angels, demons; central portal of the north transept (Portal of Saints).
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Title:Reims; Calixtus, Nicaisius, Eutropia, Clovis, Remi, Job, Jesus Christ, bishops, patriarchs, popes, angels, demons; central portal of the north transept (Portal of Saints)
Notes:This portal is dedicated to the protectors of the Church of Rheims. On the trumeau is St. Calixtus, and the jamb figures depict, from left to right, an angel, Nicaisius, Eutropia, Clovis, Remi, and an angel. The tympanum depict, from bottom up, the martyrdom of Nicaisius and Clovis' baptism; Remi's healing of the blind hermit, exorcizing of the girl and casting out of demons; the story of Job (from left to right, Job's three friends, three messengers, Job's wife, Job and Satan, and Job's relatives); St. Remi's resurrection of the girl and the miracle of the cask; the Christ. The archivolts depict bishops, patriarchs and popes.[Demouy 32]

Digitized from the slide collection of James T. Womack, Nashville, TN.

Building:Notre-Dame de Reims (Cathedral)

General Subject:Angels
Library of Congress Subject:Christian art and symbolism -- France -- Reims -- Medieval, 500-1500

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Copyright Source:image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson
Copyright Permission:Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Attribution:Reims; Calixtus, Nicaisius, Eutropia, Clovis, Remi, Job, Jesus Christ, bishops, patriarchs, popes, angels, demons; central portal of the north transept (Portal of Saints), from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 6, 2025]. Original source: image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson.
Record Number:27172 Last Updated: 2022-06-19 17:01:32 Record Created: 2002-08-01 00:00:00
Institution:Vanderbilt University Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition

Bibliographic Source:Demouy, Patrick, and Claude Sauvageot. Reims la cathédrale. Le ciel et la pierre, 3. Saint-Léger-Vauban: Zodiaque, 2000.