“Create in me a clean heart oh God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” Sometimes we must empty and clean out all of the mire out of our hearts and lives for God’s renewal. We must muster the courage to take an honest look at our own hearts. Much like the tree our hearts are misshapen, rough, and sometimes hollow. One’s spirit can be bruised and broken cause by external forces and internal choices. Yet like our own hearts, the misshapenness of the tree yields to openness; there is still beauty in the rough edges; in the hollow shadows God’s light penetrates and shines through. Like the tiny light in the hollow of this tree, God reminds us that even in our hollow places there is “God-residue” left. There is always enough left in order to give God praise. There is enough light to be fully restored into joy. The God-residue or light that resides within us reminds us of God’s faithfulness, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, and unfailing love. It is when we have cleaned up and cleaned out our hearts that we are able to connect with the light of God that dwells within us. -- Olusola Tribble |