This is a photograph of a kiwi vine stretching upward toward the sky. The branches are able to grow because they are connected to the main vine. The main vine is rooted in the ground that gives it nutrients and vitamins. The branches are also stretching toward the sun, which also gives nutrients and vitamins. It would seem that this photograph would be the perfect metaphor for our text. God, the creator, is the sky. God is also the natural vine grower. From the sky come sunshine and rain; these give nutrients to the ground which makes the vine strong. The main vine is our connection to the nourishment from the ground, and in turn the sunshine and rain. Jesus the “true vine” is connection to the creator. Without this connection, it is difficult to thrive let alone survive. A constant connection to the vine provides nourishment to be productive in building God’s kingdom. God give sunshine, rain, and prunes the plant; the ground gives nourishment to the vine, the vine causes the branches to bear fruit, and this glorifies God. Questions to reflect on pertain to whether or not we are the branches still attached to Christ bearing fruit. Or are we branches that have lost connection and bear no fruit? How can we regain connection? How do we stretch toward God and remain deeply rooted in Christ? -- Olusola Tribble |