Jesus Ascending.
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Title:Jesus Ascending
Notes:"...Barth understands Jesus Christ's parousia as a threefold coming -- resurrection and ascension, the 'promise' of the Spirit, and His final eschaton. As such, these three forms of Christ's coming are all forms of His being and self-revelation toward, in, and for the world...There is a profound unity to the post-Easter history and the three stages of Christ's has not only taken place but is still taking place today in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit..." (Burgess, 34)
Building:Bath Abbey (Bath, England)
Object/Function:Sculpture, freestanding
Country:United Kingdom

Scripture:Acts 1:1-11
Acts 2:14a, 36-41
Lectionary links:AAscn
General Subject:Ascension of Christ
Resurrection of Jesus

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Copyright Source:
Copyright Permission:Please visit the URL in the Copyright Source field on this page for details about reusing this image.
Attribution:Jesus Ascending, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 12, 2025]. Original source:
Record Number:54259 Last Updated: 2021-09-09 12:34:34 Record Created: 2009-03-19 13:19:34
Institution:Vanderbilt University Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition

Bibliographic Source:Ascension in Karl Barth
Author:Burgess, Andrew Robert