Last Judgment; Abraham gathers the blessed in his bosom.
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Title:Last Judgment; Abraham gathers the blessed in his bosom
Notes:This complex representation of the Last Judgment at Conques includes biblical, patristic, and cultural interpretations, but it is primarily based upon the Last Judgment passage in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25, verses 31-46. Also depicted are the Good Virgins and lamps, the Martyrs and their psalms, the Holy Innocnents, and the Prophets with their scrolls.

Donated by James T. Womack and Anne Richardson, Nashville, TN.

Building:Abbaye Sainte-Foy de Conques

Scripture:Matthew 25:31-46
Person as Subject:Abraham (Biblical figure)
Lectionary links:ANYDy
General Subject:Last Judgment
Library of Congress Subject:Christian art and symbolism
Index of Christian Art Number:Conques: Church, Ste. Foy

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Copyright Source:image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson
Copyright Permission:Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Attribution:Last Judgment; Abraham gathers the blessed in his bosom, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 9, 2025]. Original source: image donated by Jim Womack and Anne Richardson.
Record Number:43126 Last Updated: 2022-06-20 19:31:08 Record Created: 2005-03-18 00:00:00
Institution:Vanderbilt University Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition

Bibliographic Source:Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press, 2004.