Mosaic from Lullingstone Villa.
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Title:Mosaic from Lullingstone Villa

Lullingstone is the site of one of the earliest known Christian chapels in the British Isles, dating from the 4th century. The mosaics and wall paintings have been well-preserved, offering an understanding of the symbolic nature of early Christian worship.

"The Lullingstone villa can be explained simply as a private house decorated to accord with the aesthetic tastes and religious beliefs of the occupants, but the compact and serviceable unit cut off from the rest of the building seems rather to indicate a house-church used by the local Christians." (Milburn 16)

Date:4th century
Building:Lullingstone Roman Villa
Country:United Kingdom

Lectionary links:BLent05
General Subject:House church

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Copyright Source:
Copyright Permission:Please visit the URL in the Copyright Source field on this page for details about reusing this image.
Attribution:Mosaic from Lullingstone Villa, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 19, 2025]. Original source:
Record Number:54395 Last Updated: 2021-10-05 06:15:07 Record Created: 2010-11-16 15:51:27
Institution:Vanderbilt University Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition

Bibliographic Source:Early Christian Art and Architecture
Author:Milburn, Robert
Publisher:University of California Press (Google Books)