Resurrection of Christ.
 Bartolo, Andrea di

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Title:Resurrection of Christ
Notes:"The depiction of Christ's tomb as a cave appears repeatedly in Italian art of the 14th and early 15th centuries. Here, a glimpse into the cave reveals Christ's marble sarcophagus, now empty. Framed by the shadowy void of the tomb's entrance, the resurrected Christ, emitting rays of light, emerges triumphantly from the darkness. This scene was the last in a series of five predella panels (paintings on the base of an altarpiece) illustrating episodes from the Passion of Christ. The sequence, which can be reconstructed from surviving panels now in other collections, included the Betrayal of Judas, the Way to Calvary, the Crucifixion, and the Lamentation, and concluded with this panel of the Resurrection." [from the Walters Art Gallery]
Date:ca. 1390-1410
Artist:Bartolo, Andrea di
Building:Walters Art Museum
Object/Function:Painting, panel
Country:United States

Scripture:Matthew 28:1-10
Luke 24:13-49
John 20:1-18
Mark 16:1-8
Lectionary links:ARess
General Subject:Resurrection of Jesus

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Copyright Permission:Please visit the URL in the Copyright Source field on this page for details about reusing this image.
Attribution:Bartolo, Andrea di. Resurrection of Christ, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved February 12, 2025]. Original source:
Record Number:55333 Last Updated: 2022-05-27 05:04:17 Record Created: 2012-05-05 18:30:29
Institution:Vanderbilt University Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition