Title: | Angel of Truth Giving Freedom and Liberty to the Slave |
Notes: | The decoration above the Gettysburg address in the central group typifies Freedom and Liberty. The Angel of Truth is giving Freedom and Liberty to the slave. The shackles of bondage are falling from the arms and feet. They are guarded by two sibyls. The group to the left represents Justice and Law. The central figure in the Chair of Law has the Sword of Justice in one hand; with the other she holds the Scroll of the Law. Seated at her feet are two sibyls who are interpreting the Law. The standing figures on each side are the Guardians of the Law, holding the torches of intelligence. The group to the right represents Immortality. The central figure is being crowned with the laurel wreath of Immortality. The standing figures are Faith, Hope, and Charity. On either side are the vessels of wine and oil, the symbols of Everlasting Life. [from Flickr] |
Date: | 1922 |
Artist: | Guérin, Jules Vallée, 1866-1946 |
Building: | Lincoln Memorial
Object/Function: | Mural |
City/Town: | Washington
State: | DC
Country: | United States
Scripture: | Psalm 51
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11
Lectionary links: | CProp19
General Subject: | Truth
Permalink: |
https://diglib.library.vanderbilt.edu/act-imagelink.pl?RC=55684 (Use this link to refer back to this image.)
Copyright Source: | http://www.flickr.com/photos/28567825@N03/2948503416/in/photolist-5uxRkN-63fKm6-6xWRGX-6xWRZi-6xWSee-6xWV5X-6xWVne-6y1fjX-6y1fyD-6y1Z9j-6y1ZdW-6y1Ziq-6y1Zp9-6y1Zyj-6y1ZDS-6y1ZSQ-6y1ZYE-6y23uJ-6y23yw-6y23FG-6y23JQ-6y23NL-6y23YN-6y2443-6y5nUJ-6y5nZ3-6y5Crw-6C8Wrr-6C8WG8 |
Copyright Permission: | Please visit the URL in the Copyright Source field on this page for details about reusing this image. |
Attribution: | Guérin, Jules Vallée, 1866-1946. Angel of Truth Giving Freedom and Liberty to the Slave, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. https://diglib.library.vanderbilt.edu/act-imagelink.pl?RC=55684 [retrieved September 19, 2024]. Original source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/28567825@N03/2948503416/in/photolist-5uxRkN-63fKm6-6xWRGX-6xWRZi-6xWSee-6xWV5X-6xWVne-6y1fjX-6y1fyD-6y1Z9j-6y1ZdW-6y1Ziq-6y1Zp9-6y1Zyj-6y1ZDS-6y1ZSQ-6y1ZYE-6y23uJ-6y23yw-6y23FG-6y23JQ-6y23NL-6y23YN-6y2443-6y5nUJ-6y5nZ3-6y5Crw-6C8Wrr-6C8WG8. |
Record Number: | 55684
Last Updated: 2024-03-20 13:02:33
Record Created: 2013-06-21 10:42:49 |
Institution: | Vanderbilt University
Collection: Art in the Christian Tradition |